Purple hollyhocks sketch--pen, paint on silk.

"Wheat Stalks" pen-and-ink with resist.

"Riverbank," pastel on paper.

"Badlands," pastel on paper.

"Ghost Ranch I," pastel on paper.

"Aspen Grove," pastel on paper.

"Santa Fe Aspens," pastel on paper.

"NM Prairie," pastel on paper.

Aegis II, salt-fired ceramic

"St. Francis II," ceramic sculpture.

Buddha III, thread, silk, fabric, © Brett Barker.


Buddha I, "quilt," thread on organza with window screen and tamarisk stick background (tamarisk layer removed for clarity of image), © Brett Barker.

"Ave Maria," mixed media (fabric, thread on custom-designed fiberglass surfboard), in progress.

Master's class instruction demo and explanation of main bones in hand.
BB 2019

Master's class demos of hand with ghost image of bones underneath. BB 2019

Demo-quick "sketch" incorporating gesture, figure drawing

in-class demo, figure (with model)

Demo-"paint like the masters" class, figure after Bonnard

demo-HT create your own figure model for your fashion sketches

demo, ht to create a 3-D look, pencil and pastel

"tulips" woodblock print, digitized then put into repeat
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"tulips" color way options for international home goods wholesaler

"right angle" drawing, digitized, put into repeat, made for international textile company

chair showing "right angle" fabric

Student painting from plein air workshop, 2019

student still life emphasizing negative space, charcoal

student, "shells," acrylic then digitized
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Student mood board, digital repeats, fabric on right with student-created linocut design.

student interpretations of basic patterns

ArtCenter College student's Final illustrations and finished/repeats.

Student Illustrations, ArtCenter College of Design.

Student illustrations, digital textile prints, and finished apparel, ArtCenter College of Design.

First-time textile design student's semester I body of work in shibori.

Foundations/year 1 student's first watercolor wash and texture exercise.