Designers, we need your help: take two minutes and add your own salary (or rate) to this year's survey - it is anonymous and quick. The Coroflot Design Salary Guide is vital for understanding salaries in the creative industries and is an invaluable asset to every design professional. It's
Today we released a number of changes at Coroflot to help simplify and enhance the overall site user experience and to increase the visibility for our Coroflot Pro members. We want to provide some details here to explain what we did and clarify some of the under-the-hood functionality so that
Velocity offers on-demand access to senior UX/UI, design and technical talent
We're very proud to share with you a ground-up rebuild of the Coroflot identity and site. It is a platform launch focusing on a seamless desktop to mobile experience, and the establishment of a new aesthetic visually and in use.
Vetted and Versatile! Put creative talent right at your fingertips with Coroflot Pro Search.
The Design Salary Guide is a valuable resource for your own salary negotiations or as a resource when building your team.