Designers, we need your help: take two minutes and add your own salary (or rate) to this year's survey - it is anonymous and quick. The Coroflot Design Salary Guide is vital for understanding salaries in the creative industries and is an invaluable asset to every design professional. It's
Today we released a number of changes at Coroflot to help simplify and enhance the overall site user experience and to increase the visibility for our Coroflot Pro members. We want to provide some details here to explain what we did and clarify some of the under-the-hood functionality so that
Onboarding new employees to a creative team is an essential step in ensuring a smooth and successful transition for both the new employee and the team as a whole. The onboarding process includes several standard steps that ensure that new employees understand the company's culture, values, and processes and can
An uncertain outlook in the marketplace - is it the new-normal? or simply a transient state? - often spurs an assessment of the fundamentals of a business. In the realm of in-house product development and marketing this may be an examination of the budget and schedules of upcoming releases. As
Demand for designers is at peak levels, making for a tough recruiting environment, especially when your team doesn't have the means or prestige of a bigger or more-storied operation to attract creative candidates. However, smaller companies can often offer other advantages that may be appealing to creative employees, such as
In writing job descriptions and conducting interviews, technical skills can easily become an overriding focus of recruiting for design jobs. Is the candidate versed in the same software your creative staff uses to get work done? Are they experts in production flows? Do they possess the experience to make good