Graphic Designer/Marketing Assistant
Phoenix, AZ
Jul 2014 - Present (10 years 8 months)
I designed and published the website and I manage it as well. I do SEO and social media marketing to drive traffic and sales. I also design promotional material.
Graphic Designer
Jan 2012 - Present (13 years 2 months)
Occasionally I enjoy taking on freelance projects. I design logos, company identities, flyers, shirts, etc.
Social Media Intern
Austin, TX
Jun 2013 - Jan 2014 (7 months)
Graphic Design/Video Intern
Belton, TX
May 2013 - Aug 2013 (3 months)
I designed slides, banners, flyers, bulletins, and graphics used in various forms of print and media. I also did video editing frequently.
Social Media Marketing Assistant
Bearfruit films
Mar 2013 - Aug 2013 (5 months)
Promoted film through social media marketing, brainstormed and implemented ideas for promotions
Design Assistant
The Vista Community Church
Belton, TX
Aug 2011 - May 2012 (9 months)
Designed flyers, logos, web sliders, banners, signs, slides, announcements, bulletins, etc.