Neti Pot - The use of a nasal rinse device, such as a neti pot, is known to alleviate the symptoms of the common cold and allergic rhinitis. However, it is also perceived to be an uncomfortable practice, so I went about creating a friendlier approach. This neti pot is designed to be easy to use with a squeeze action and less intimidating to children through its zoomorphic appearance.
Neti Pot - The use of a nasal rinse device, such as a neti pot, is known to alleviate the symptoms of the common cold and allergic rhinitis. However, it is also perceived to be an uncomfortable practice, so I went about creating a friendlier approach. This neti pot is designed to be easy to use with a squeeze action and less intimidating to children through its zoomorphic appearance.
Prototype - The use of a nasal rinse device, such as a neti pot, is known to alleviate the symptoms of the common cold and allergic rhinitis. However, it is also perceived to be an uncomfortable practice, so I went about creating a friendlier approach. This neti pot is designed to be easy to use with a squeeze action and less intimidating to children through its zoomorphic appearance. The prototype was milled using CNC, and the blue case was made using 3-D printing. The proposed material is Sanoprene.
Hand-conforming - A pencil sketch of how PenG is held.
Refilling - A sketch of how PenG is refilled.
Usage - A sketch of how PenG is used.
Nicholas Lim
Singapore, Singapore