
We believe ownership is the biggest virtue in making a flawless product. We wanted each of our artisans to be happy and to love what they do. In the quest for such individuals, we started employing the senior citizens of our society.

Empowering our seniors who have made great things in their youth, but have now been discarded by society and their family, became our mission. What started as an experiment, soon became a full fledged activity and gave more than 50 individuals a second innings in life.

VintageRise not only provided employment to them, but we also provided a sense of dignity, pride and hope. It made them feel wanted and important once again. It made them feel loved and to return the love to each of the product; to have a feeling of ownership for each of the bag they create by their hands. And this family is growing bigger every day.

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Ayan Bhattacharya
Textile Creator with 10 years experience Mumbai, India