Seven Seas Magazine Ad - Art director: Vivian Adelene Adram
Designer: Vivian Adelene Adram
Notes: Client wanted a mag ad to stand in par with it's competitors and at a glance, entice it's target market; the lower & middle income Malaysian-Indian community, towards it's product. Digitally enhanced the image of the ship, giving it a classier 'pencil sketch' look.
Ewein Winery • Corporate ID • Namecard - Art Direction: Vivian Adelene Adram
Designer: Vivian Adelene Adram
Notes: The client was looking to revamp it's image in the local liqour industry.
Kapten Magazine Ad - Art Direction: Vivian Adelene Adram
Designer: Vivian Adelene Adram
Notes: A total revamp to the magazines ads for its products. Due to a tight budget, the client did not want to purchase stock photography. Digital enhancement was done on a free beer image to make it look like brandy.
HAWAII • Magazine Ad - Art Direction: Vivian Adelene Adram
Designer: Vivian Adelene Adram
Photography: Vivian Adelene Adram
Notes: The hibiscus flower and dry gin bottle was done in a studio by a professional photographer. The background, was shot with a compact digital camera near my then office. A few different shots were taken separately; waves, tree & rocks, sea & mountain and digitally put together with photoshop.
Seven Seas Deepavali Ad - Art Direction: Vivian Adelene Adram
Designer: Vivian Adelene Adram
Notes: After successfully rebranding the image of the Ewein Winery range of products, we proceeded to work on it's seasonal ads. This was for the Diwali season. Tastefully blended the image of peacock feathers; which generally represent the indian community in Malaysia.