Knorr Lime Extract Sales Kit - The client needed substantial work done on a 2 level sales kit, one targeted for the mass consumer and the other for the serious immediate bulk buyers; hoteliers and F&B business owners.
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Knorr Lime Extract Sales Kit - The client needed substantial work done on a 2 level sales kit, one targeted for the mass consumer and the other for the serious immediate bulk buyers; hoteliers and F&B business owners.
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Knorr Lime Extract Sales Kit - The client needed substantial work done on a 2 level sales kit, one targeted for the mass consumer and the other for the serious immediate bulk buyers; hoteliers and F&B business owners.
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Knorr Lime Extract Sales Kit - The client needed substantial work done on a 2 level sales kit, one targeted for the mass consumer and the other for the serious immediate bulk buyers; hoteliers and F&B business owners.
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Knorr Lime Extract Sales Kit - The client needed substantial work done on a 2 level sales kit, one targeted for the mass consumer and the other for the serious immediate bulk buyers; hoteliers and F&B business owners.
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Knorr Lime Extract Sales Kit - The client needed substantial work done on a 2 level sales kit, one targeted for the mass consumer and the other for the serious immediate bulk buyers; hoteliers and F&B business owners.
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Knorr Lime Extract Sales Kit - The client needed substantial work done on a 2 level sales kit, one targeted for the mass consumer and the other for the serious immediate bulk buyers; hoteliers and F&B business owners.
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Vivian Adram
Creative Director & Design Consultant at A Vivid World Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia