User Experience Consultant
Laurel, MD
Oct 2012 - Present (12 years 3 months)
Duties: Create rapid UI prototypes, update web site content and graphics through content management system for a several federal clients. Assist in content migration and perform QA checks. Design user interface and responsive design for desktop, tablet and mobile devices. Create graphics and infographics for web. Consult and make design recommendations. Create marketing materials and ads for major federal government initiative. Assist corporate marketing team with creating graphics, ads, marketing materials and Facebook applications.
Projects: high fidelity mockups, web maintenance through CMS, UI design, site architecture, wireframes, responsive design, personas, style tiles, icons, banner ads, digital signage, Facebook graphics and apps, e-cards, fliers, banners, ads, infographics, marketing materials.
Projects: web maintenance through CMS, UI design, site architecture, wireframes, responsive design, personas, style tiles, icons, banner ads, digital signage, Facebook graphics and apps, e-cards, fliers, banners, ads, info graphics.
Senior Web Designer
Ace Info Solutions, Inc.
Sep 2012 - Oct 2012 (1 month)
Design and maintain web site for the US Department of Justice's Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (http://cops.usdoj.gov). Redesign and maintain monthly email html newsletter (http://cops.usdoj.gov/html/dispatch/index.asp) and marketing campaigns. Provide graphic and web design support and expertise.
Senior Web Designer
NTT Data Corporation
Feb 2010 - Aug 2012 (2 years 6 months)
I'm working on site as a contractor for the US Department of Justice's Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS). I work on a team that was responsible for redesigning and updating the COPS website. I am currently responsible for helping to keep the site updated and creating the sites graphics.
Senior Graphic Designer
Dell Services
Mar 2008 - Feb 2010 (1 year 11 months)
Duties: Created visual brand and graphic standards for the National Bone Health Campaign (www.bestbonesforever.gov) under the US Department of Health and Human Services’ Office on Women’s Health. Designed user interface and created marketing and promotional materials for the campaign. Also provided graphic and web design support and expertise for girlshealth.gov and womenshealth.gov.
Projects: logo and branding design, web site user interface design, ads, marketing and promotional materials, event displays, booklets, brochures, newsletters, posters, flyers, presentations, and internal documents, creating 508 accessible pdf documents.
Graphic Designer
National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors
2005 - 2008 (3 years)
Duties: Responsible for design and creation of corporate marketing and communications materials for internal and external users.
Projects: web site design, e-newsletters, ads, reports, marketing materials, meeting and convention materials, logo design, brochures, newsletters, posters, signs, fliers, presentations, forms, and programs.