Final Home Page Design
Home Page Concept - Redesigned core paths to articulate value proposition and make the switching process more engaging and user-friendly. Cut and past link to view Axure simulation.
Carrier List Page - Redesigned core paths to articulate value proposition and make the switching process more engaging and user-friendly. Cut and past link to view Axure simulation.
Commercial Transfer Flow: Sign Up Page - Redesigned core paths to articulate value proposition and make the switching process more engaging and user-friendly. Cut and past link to view Axure simulation.
Confirmation Page - Redesigned core paths to articulate value proposition and make the switching process more engaging and user-friendly. Cut and past link to view Axure simulation.
Transfer Flow: Sign Up - Redesigned core paths to articulate value proposition and make the switching process more engaging and user-friendly. Cut and past link to view Axure simulation.
Site Redesign

Redesigned core pages and registration flow. Objectives achieved include optimizing sign up, simplifying results page and establishing content hierarchy.

Andy Schultz
UX Consutant and user-centered design expert Boca Raton, FL