Game Designer (Balance)
???????????, Russia
Jan 2019 - Present (6 years 2 months)
Working on the balance of the main company's project "Cooking Craze". Development of auto-balance script to automize working on the balance (Excel, VBA). Analysis of game's monetization, conversion of players, research of players' behavior and setting the balance of the game using these aspects. Testing of all game elements: balance, timing, art, technical elements. Working in Unity, Git, SVN, Jira, Confluence, Tableau. Interaction with technical and art departments. Distribution of tasks between departments.
Lead Editor
Jul 2017 - Present (7 years 8 months)
Writing analytical articles with long-read reviews, overviews, and digests on major musical novelties. Compilation of infographics with information about the albums. Creating themed and monthly playlists. Organizing interviews and photo sessions in various cities. Coordination of the team work, the issuance of new tasks, editing, controling deadlines. Constant tracking of new releases, reading foreign music magazines. Tracking of new sites for placement, content adjustment for site features. Monitoring the response of Yandex.Metrica and Medium.Stats indicators to various materials in general and their internal features. Further consideration of these statistics when writing the following materials and their editing. Working on the monetization of the project.
Projects manager
Novosibirsk, United States
Permanent monitoring of a working SEO-status of numerous clients. Taking control of customer problems. Working with all known CMS: 1C-Bitrix, Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress and others. Drawing up monthly plans and technical tasks for specialists. Distribution of tasks between specialists using Redmine. Organizing meetings to identify customer problems. Searching for outsource specialists. Customer support, sending reports to customers and explaining incomprehensible items to them. Analysis of various aspects: conversion, competitors, market, new technologies, etc. The following tools were used for the analysis: Yandex.Metrica, Google Analytics, Yandex.Webmaster, Google Search Console, Yandex.Wordstat, Serpstat, SimilarWeb. Checking out the usability of sites. Business analytics. Time management. Drawing up business-schemes for all employees in order to structurize the company work .
Game Designer
???????????, Russia
Jun 2017 - Sep 2018 (1 year 3 months)
Development of new game mechanics, level design, setting up the balance of games. Writing game scripts, plots, dialogues. Working in Unity, Git, Redmine. Building games for PC, Android. Testing of all game elements: balance, timing, art, technical elements. Working in Photoshop for image processing. Interaction with technical and art departments. Distribution of tasks between departments. Communication with European producers. Achievements: At least 50 released f2p games that have hundreds of thousands and millions of installations. Some games have more than 10 million installations. The release of three mid-core projects in the genre of "time management" (PC casual) with a multi-hour gameplay, released on the PC, MacOS, PS3, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Android, iOS.
Game Designer
???????????, Russia
Sep 2016 - Nov 2016 (2 months)
Specialization: Calculations of balances of new mechanics. Other duties: Drawing up game design documents of new events and game elements. Searching for references of new objects, naming objects. Scripting, developing new mechanics. Monitoring games in the genres of "farm", "city builder".
Laboratory Assistant
Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SBRAS
???????????, Russia
Sep 2013 - Jul 2016 (2 years 10 months)
Analysis of physical equations, bringing general hypotheses to precise mathematical systems. Writing programs for numerical modeling of the obtained systems (C, Fortran). Collecting of statistical data, analysis and visualization of the results, reporting. Writing scientific publications, speaking at conferences.