No Man is an Island 2017

Have you tried crossing Dorset Street? It’s a pain in the arse. They even mention it on the Dorset Street Wikipedia ‘Road engineering by Dublin City Council, designed primarily to facilitate cars, continues to prove destructive – with the street now quite notorious as a hostile environment for pedestrians.’ On a street that so openly displays its Nationalistic Pride in the form of murals and flags, not many are willing to wait for the little green man.
I would frequently maroon myself in the middle of the road and had seen countless others do the same down the whole stretch of the street. I am always surprised at how quickly a motorist stops to allow safe passage across. So while we may regularly act as traffic islands, it’s never for long.
November 30th - December 10th, 2017, Locale#1, A4 Sounds Gallery, Dublin

Freelance, Moonlighting
Aoife Balfe
Animation Artist Dublin, Ireland