Modules: -Fashion Illustrations and Production Drawings -History of Costumes Medium used: - Outlining with Pigment Liner - Rendered with Copic Marker - Photoshop (paintings)
This is a three designs that I did on my own accord. Concept: The idea is to create extra-terrestrial beings that descended from outer space and came down to our Earth to take away the beauty of nature because human beings are destroying it. They harvested the flowers and attached it on themselves. They then flew back to space to preserve it. Colours used are Spring/Summer palette with uses of PVC to cover the flower petals. Medium: - Copic Marker Rendering - Outlined with Pigment Liner - Photoshopped background
Fashion Illustrations

Compilation of my fashion illustrations from Temasek Polytechnic School of Design's modules such as Fashion Illustration and History of Costumes.