Science books for Tulika Publishers

Tulika Publishers are well known for their efforts with educative books for children. One project at Srishti involved creating a set of five science books for 5 to 7 year olds. These books will be translated into nine languages. A major point of concern for the client was ethnic equality.

This assignment was a group assignment, therefore a challenging one. My peers and I were to come up with content dealing with Earth, Space, Water, Air, and Places on Earth.

Our class was split into four groups. Cyan. Magenta, Yellow, and Black. My team was called Magenta. Each team presented the client with options. I'm proud to say that ours was the selected concept.

The real challenge was learning how to mix illustration styles with my peers. Our books will be available in the Indian markets early next year.

Anushka Kalro
Visual Communication Designer at Machani Infrastructure Development Corporation Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore, India