Douglas Fir Light Cube

Hand sawn rectangular notches circle around-and-around that glow a warm, soft light from inside-out. The top is removable which changes the intensity of light being dispersed from the notches on the sides, casting different shadows, etc. The bottom is custom made to exactly fit the light fixture which is secured between the bottom pieces by inserting the dowel into both (compression fit). Once the light fixture is secured in the bottom piece, it's simply slide into the bottom of the light cube and snuggle remains there using compression, not hardware. The sides are mitered and glued together. And, there are small, hand-mitered feet on the bottom for ascetics and to provide space for the cord.

Fun Fact: I glued together thin Doug Fir falloff pieces then machined the panel to be all flat/nice/etc. This was the point it told me it wanted to be a light;)

Freelance, Moonlighting
Andrew Keinard
Cabinetry Apprentice / Fabricator • Music curator dabbler •... Grand Rapids, MI