UX & Industrial Design
Tarrytown, NY
Jun 2015 - Present (9 years 9 months)
I provide design and user experience support to various project teams, with expertise in industrial design, usability, UI design, user testing, and literature creation. I lead early ideation and innovation efforts to discover and realize unmet needs in the form of products that can improve the lives of patients with diabetes and healthcare professionals, specifically with the development of mobile screens, system maps, and product user guides. Bayer HealthCare Diabetes has recently transitioned into a new company - Ascensia Diabetes Care.
CDR Senior Researcher
Lawrence, KS
Aug 2014 - May 2015 (9 months)
In a small group of selected students, conducted exploratory research and assisted in development of new products and services with a focus on smart technologies, connected cars, and wearables.
Teaching Assistant for Sophomore Industrial Design Studio
Lawrence, KS
Aug 2014 - Dec 2014 (4 months)
Assisted with critiques and advice for sophomore students - projects included physical/metal working, sketching, computer rendering, 3D modeling, and more
Teaching Assistant for Design Think and Make
Lawrence, KS
Jan 2014 - May 2014 (4 months)
Helped beginning students in all design disciplines with projects involving graphic design, industrial design, human factors, photography, and illustration. Assisted with technology, classroom activities, scanning, project prep, posting PDFs on Blackboard, providing students with assistance with Common Shop tools, giving constructive criticism and direction to students.