Textile Designer
Los Angeles, CA
Jun 2015 - Present (9 years 9 months)
Create textile artwork and designs for several bedding, shower and window soft home brands and categories.
Oct 2013 - Present (11 years 7 months)
Works with Design Director to oversee and design bedding collection development for three diverse brands including in house private label and licensed designs. These developments include generating concept ideas, material constructions and techniques, as well as overseeing buying of potential artwork from studios and collaborating with freelance CAD artists. Executes all final product artwork and technical specs as well as overseeing sourcing responsibilities with collaborating vendors and factories. Communicates with these partners on a regular basis to track and ensure scheduled progress, product quality, and execution. Presents all concepts, artwork, and final product internally and to business partners. Addresses brand relevancy and merchant requests by continually researching ideas for brand newness and product opportunity.
Assistant Designer - Collection Bedding & Accessories
Jun 2011 - Oct 2013 (2 years 4 months)
Worked with the Vice President and Design Director to flush out collection ideas and direction every season for high end luxury bedding, accesories, and table linens. Corresponded with company vendors on program developments and collection needs. Provided color and quality comments at each stage of development. Created product specs and tech packs for all existing product. Used the Adobe Creative Suite to create pattern repeats and artwork for embroidery, woven and printed designs. Reviewed and tracked progress for all incoming samples. Maintained and organized the brand design library. Relayed product inspiration and design details to all public relations and merchandising teams prepping for online content distrubtion and various marketing campaigns. Led collection hand off meetings between design and sourcing.
Textile Design Trainee
Plano, TX
Aug 2010 - Dec 2010 (4 months)
Worked with the Soft Home Design Team to translate seasonal trends into print and pattern direction for private brands such as Linden Street, Studio, Chris Madden and Liz Claiborne, within the JCPenney company. Prints are developed for Top of Bed sets as well as Window Treatments within the home. Trainees collaborate closely with product designers in all areas of the company and follow the process of designing from original brainstorms all the way through to product turnover.
Home Design Intern
New York, NY
Jun 2009 - Aug 2009 (2 months)
Worked with the home design team of Slatkin & Co. to develop packaging design, corporate identity logos, surface pattern ideas and other products that will enhance signature fragrance lines and seasonal promotions. Assisted the Creative Director with styling and creative direction of external photoshoots, contributing to initial concept boards and final production of mechanical comps.
Teaching Artist Assistant
Soloman R. Guggenheim Museum
New York, NY
Oct 2008 - Jun 2009 (8 months)
Learning Through Art residency at P.S. 42 sponsored by the Guggenheim Museum. Development of abstract art project with fifth grade classes Assisted Teaching Artist in creating weekly lesson plans, overseeing classroom, curriculum development, and external project research.
Design Intern
New York, NY
Jan 2009 - Apr 2009 (3 months)
Assisted the Art Director and design team members with graphic design of store visuals, seasonal look books, merchandise signage, merchandise tagging systems, product knowledge books, and overall creative branding/corporate identity projects.