TASK: time and budget utilization in order to enhance overall project efficiency and success.
SERVICE: project management to establish scalable processes, optimizing both time and budget.
cabin production & operations

"I held the managerial position
as Lead Architect for
Cabin Production and Operations
since I started working
for RAUS. In a venture
capital-driven Start-up
you have to scale at speed.
Therefore, strong project
management skills are
needed as well as the courage
to go the extra mile.
When growing rapidly you
are always facing the same
issue; you start scaling
your problems. I was able
to set up strong quality
control processes and developed
a scalable product
regarding production cost
optimization and overall
build quality.”
The following images show a
visual representation of
the achievements me and my
team made so far.
Due to a non-disclosure
agreement on the use of material
is restricted.

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Aljosha Schäck
Design Strategist Berlin, Germany