As a designer I specialise in user centred methods, usability and interaction design. I'm building on a strong basis in a wide range of design disciplines including eco-design, product and service, to bring design innovation to a range of industries. I am actively involved in and lead projects in design research, consumer insight studies, Human Factors and Usability Engineering for the healthcare sector and the design and implementation of products, user interfaces and services. I am comfortable developing medical devices and conducting usability testing in line with ISO 62366 and HE75.
To carry this work out, I apply knowledge and techniques from information architecture, UX design, Ethnographic research, product design, mixed-fidelity prototyping and academic research practices.
I am currently undertaking a professional doctorate in 'Prototyping the Intangible', exploring the fundamental concepts of prototyping and how these can be applied to intangible design outcomes such as services, experiences and policy.
Red Dot Design Award 2017