Industrial Designer
Jun 2014 - Present (10 years 9 months)
* Designing, assembling, and testing prototypes and mock-ups using 3D printer and other rapid prototyping techniques.
* Understanding of modern manufacturing methods, processes, materials and constraints.
* Writing patent claims and preparing patent applications in collaboration with patent offices.
* Defining and solving problems, collecting data, establishing facts, drawing valid conclusions, and then implementing solutions.
* Interacting with part suppliers, model makers, and manufacturing partners.
* Coordinating tasks and priorities with project managers.
* Maintaining constant knowledge of recent technologies and products for planning the next generation of water play products.
* Converting broad consumer insights into innovative design solutions.
* Innovating and pushing forward new ideas.
* Creating high quality presentation materials.
* Working closely with engineering and architecture departments to develop product solutions, validate prototypes and define criteria/specifications.
* Driving design efforts of major product initiatives from concept to production.
* Using external suppliers to accelerate and enhance internal capabilities.
* Thorough experience with designing with human factors.
* Managing multiple tasks in a fast-moving environment by having strong organizational, time management, and leadership skills.
Industrial Designer
Apr 2013 - Jun 2014 (1 year 2 months)
* Bringing creativity and ingenuity to the design process while balancing budget and manufacturability.
* Strong understanding of packaging materials and manufacturing technologies.
* Conceptualizing, sketching, modelling, prototyping and developing functional products.
* Designing products according to brand identities and brand guidelines.
* Managing multiple projects while maintaining attention to details.
* Creating prototypes from a number of processes and materials.
* Thorough understanding of and experience with designing with human factors.
Industrial Designer
Sep 2012 - Apr 2013 (7 months)
* Designing overall products including internal subsystems to take products from concept through to production.
* Analysing product specifications and performance requirements to determine design approach and form factor for medical products.
* Understanding and observing the technical connection between visual and functional design elements.
Industrial Design Trainee
May 2011 - Sep 2011 (4 months)
Industrial Design Trainee
May 2010 - Sep 2010 (4 months)
Industrial Design Trainee
May 2009 - Sep 2009 (4 months)