Strong in leather Goods and Fashion accessories design (Matel, Leather, Crystal....). Use to work closely with factory for product development and design. Graduation in product design.
I took part of design competitions experience within the shoe design industry. Include the 2002 Italian International Fashion Shoes Competition (Un Talento per la Scarpa) by Sammauroindustria (brands including POLLOINI, VICINI, CASADEL and Sergio Rossi).I have completed an internship program in Italy for VICINI as an assistant to the Designer. And now working with different company in fashion accessories or Metal/crystal product.
-Un Talent Per La Scarpa Sammauroindustria - 1a classificata III edizione 2002 Italian International fashion shoes competition 3rd - (A Talent for shoes)- Lan Winner By Sammauroidustria (POLLINI, VICINI, CASADEL, sergio rossi)
-2002 Hong Kong Footwear Design Competition (fashion shoes)- Winner