Home Page Header Banner
Block 2 of the Home Page
Block 3 of the Home Page with links to additional material
The About Page - Top Block / Includes scrolling background images
About Page - Block 2 / Background image scrolls from above to below blocks
About Page - Block 3 / The site purpose is to draw publishers and producers to engage without giving away too much content during stealth mode.
The OBSCURIUM - Transmedia Entertainment Development + Website Design

Conceived and developed transmedia entertainment project including writing screenplays, teleplays, a novel and created transmedia strategy that includes gaming and online content. Also developed ALL pitch materials, artwork and single-handedly created both an interactive pitch deck and teaser website. Yes, I AM a unicorn who married both written and visual with concept design and production!

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Alexandra Stryder Sokol
"The BrandStormer" - Brand Strategist & Experiential Creative Director +... Los Angeles, CA