Graphic Designer
The Printing Place
Middleton, WI
Jun 2014 - Present (10 years 9 months)
We do digital and offset printing as well as designing, editing and finishing services. A large portion of our work is direct mail pieces. I am the Graphic Designer and I set up every single job that goes through the shop, while servicing walk-in, telephone and email orders. It is a very fast paced environment where I am constantly juggling multiple orders and having to prioritize them in order to maximize efficiency.
Pre-Press / Graphic Designer
Madison, WI
Nov 2012 - Jun 2014 (1 year 7 months)
I was the Pre-Press Specialist in one of OfficeMax's commercial print centers. My responsibilities include finding print marketing solutions for the small business owner through designing/processing custom print orders. It is a fast-paced environment where I am used to juggling multiple deadlines every day, while helping walk-up customers. We do business all over the United States from our shop in Madison.