The Dream, The Drive, The Draft. NHL 2012 Pittsburgh Poster Advertisement
2012 NHL Awards Las Vegas Poster Advertisement
2013 Ibanez Guitar Magazine Spread Advertisement.
Ibanez Guitar Metal Machines 2013 Magazine Advertisement featuring the New RG Series Electric Guitars.
2013 Ibanez Bass Guitar Magazine Advertisement featuring Nate Grady.
Tama Star Classic Performer Drum Set 2013 Magazine Advertisement featuring Blake Richardson.
Tama Star Classic Performer Drum Set 2013 Magazine Advertisement featuring George "Spanky" Mccurdy.
Ibanez Gutar 2013 Catalog Spread
Ibanez Guitar 2012 Catalog Spread
Tama Starclassic Drumset 2013 Catalog Spread
Custom project direct mailer design for Tyler School of Art. The direct mailer was sent to all Tyler Alumni inviting them to an upcoming senior portfolio design exhibition.
Fur Free Alliance Poster - Nationwide Poster Competition ( 5th Place in the Country ) I used the negative space between the fingers of the black threatening hand to form baby white seals. The goal of the nationwide assignment was to bring awareness to the slaughtering of baby seals to make fur coats.
Violence Awareness Week Poster - Poster Designed to Raise Awareness About the Increasing Violence in Philadelphia. The aim of the poster was to give a crime scene atmosphere. The torn yellow police tape forms the title of the poster and the chalk line outline names all of the people who were killed by gun violence during that year.
"Letter Heads" Thinking With Typography Poster - Poster bringing awareness to the need for designers to consider typography and how it will relate to your design. I used the concept of an X-ray of a human skull with different fonts including the title inside the head image. The concept was to make the viewer realize that the individual in the poster was "Thinking about typography" to the point where his X-ray showed his thoughts.
Custom poster design for Tyler School of Art Summer Courses 2007. These posters were sent out to various high schools to in the Philadelphia and surrounding areas to showcase the programs Tyler was offering to potential high school students looking to get a head start on their art portfolio.
30 X 60" Banner for "Exclusive Automotive"
Sony Bravia High-Definition TV Poster - Advertisement for Sony Bravia High-Definition TV. The concept of the advertisement was to bring attention to the phenomenal image quality by making it appear as it the race car drove out of the television and directly through the room, disrupting all of the furniture from the wind as the car drove past. The tire treads on the floor add to the feeling that the image on the screen came right towards the viewer.
Vote "Time To Change The World" Poster - Poster designed to spread awareness of the importance of voting. The concept of the poster was to bring awareness that the word "stinks" in its current condition and needs to be "changed" immediately.

Posters, banners, catalogs, and magazine advertisements for various clients including Ibanez, Fur Free Alliance, Violence Awareness Week, Automotive Advertising, Tyler School of Art Promotional Posters, and Sony Bravia High Definition TV Magazine Spreads.

Adam Davis
Graphic and Interactive Designer / Advertising Specialist Drexel Hill, PA