Teenreads.com and Kidsreads.com Editorial Intern
The Book Report Network
Apr 2013 - Present (11 years 8 months)
- Write content for teenreads.com Twitter social media campaign
- Edit reviews and content from teenreads.com Teen Board reviewers
- Create web pages for upcoming books, reviews, and authors
- Write reviews for frontlist young adult and children's books
- Research upcoming, frontlist young adult and children's books
Library Offices Student Assistant
The Joseph Regenstein Library
Oct 2011 - Present (13 years 2 months)
- Design signs, PowerPoint graphics, and poster graphics
- Designed new map brochure for building (Spring 2013)
- Designed IviesPlus library conference pamphlets (Spring 2012)
Summer Arts Administration Intern
The Kentucky Center Governor's School for the Arts
Jun 2013 - Jul 2013 (1 month)
- Wrote website content documenting daily program events
- Wrote for social media accounts (Facebook and Twitter)
- Designed and edited Final Day Yearbook and Program
Freelance Web Designer
Self Employed
Jun 2011 - Jun 2013 (2 years)