UI Developer
Building Blocks - KCT TECH PARK
Coimbatore, India
Apr 2019 - Present (5 years 8 months)
Responsibility: Creating USA based Websites, Web Layout Design, Bootstrap 4 Responsive Sites, WordPress CMS websites, Adobe XD - IOS and Android UI designs, Print Media Designs, Festival Greeting, Corporate Identity, Contact USA Client Solve issues, HTML5, CSS3 Conversion, Jquery, Js Script Creating, Web & Mobile Browser Support, Web Standard Support.
Building Blocks
Project List 1.https://www.buildingblocks.la/ 2.http://joyscooter.com/ 3.https://ponyscooter.com/ 4.https://wearebald.com/ 5.https://labouleazero.com/ 6.Zeeba Vans 7.FYXT 8.Genius 9.Harvey - Wordpress 10.Shirt
Project List
NEXT Techno Enterprises Private Limited
1. LMIS - laboratory management information system 2. UX 2.0 - User Experience Framework - Version 2.0 3. SAAAS - Security Assessment as a service 4. VPNaaS - Virtual Private Network as a service 5. DRaaS - Disaster Recovery as a service 6. PeaaS - Performance engineering as a service 7. EXOS - Private Cloud Management Platform 8. UX 3.0 - User Experience Framework - Version 3.0 9. UNiFii - Mail Backup and Storage, Mail Manage System 10.EVS - Election vote system 11. Green Future: Envisioned - Website 12. NIAA Chat - Next Intelligence Automated Answering Platform 13. Nmail Mobile App - NEXT Secure Mail Application 14. PNG Portal - PNG country Website ma 15. SecureOn News Now - Security related News Website Tiyan Infotech "https://www.shipmychip.com/" https://www.shipmychip.com/ www.elcomcms.com "http://www.tara.nsw.edu.au/" http://www.tara.nsw.edu.au/ "http://legoclub.com/" http://legoclub.com/ "http://www.pathology.health.nsw.gov.au" www.pathology.health.nsw.gov.au "http://www.matthews.com.au" http://www.matthews.com.au "http://www.qtac.edu.au" www.qtac.edu.au "http://ivanhoe-intranet.staging.elcomcms.com/" http://ivanhoe-intranet.staging.elcomcms.com/ "http://www.fairfaxmedia.com.au/" http://www.fairfaxmedia.com.au/ "http://mips-2014.staging.elcomcms.com" http://mips-2014.com "http://www.optus.com.au/" http://www.optus.com.au/ "https://www.firststatesuper.com.au/" https://www.firststatesuper.com.au/ "http://iqsafety.com/" http://iqsafety.com/ www.sankaranethralaya.org http://www.coroflot.com/ (included all Designs) www.VACmedia.co.uk http://www.freeinuk.co.uk/ http://www.psdiscounts.com/ http://www.edealsuk.com/ http://www.mailcashback.com/ https://www.krpsrewards.com/ http://www.froggybank.co.uk/ http://www.broadbandsuppliers.co.uk/ http://www.rpoints.com/ https://postoffice.testlifestyle.co.uk/login.php https://royalmail.testlifestyle.co.uk/login.php www.connectmu...
Sr. UI and UX Designer and Developer
NEXT Techno Enterprises Private Limited
Coimbatore, India
Tidel Park Sr. UI and UX Designer and Developer - Responsibility: Plan the Project Design in UX ideas, Created the wireframe, Create the design using Photoshop and Adobe XD, Sketch 3 UI tool for Android and IOS, using Bootstrap framework and Angular2 create the Web application Project with Responsive Programme, Manage the Team Solving Team Project issues, Team Member Project Plan, Secure code apply for web application, Crate the color palate for particular project, create the innovation work in three.js and other testing the project in real device and do the creative graphic design for print media.
Front End Developer
Tiyan Infotech
Coimbatore, India
Responsibility: Creating CMS websites and Intranet sites. Web Layout Design, Bootstrap Sites, Flash Banners, Print Media Designs, Logo Designs, Flash Banners, Flyers, brochure, T-shirt Designs, Web Layout Design, Catalogs, Posters, Flex Banners, Festival Greeting, Corporate Identity, News page Creative Adds, Responsive Mobile Website, Contact Australian Client Solve issues, HTML5, CSS3 Conversion, Query, Js, Web & Mobile Browser Support, Web Standard Support, Browser Support (IE7-Ie11)
Sr. Front End Developer, Graphic Designer-Feb
Elcom Technology
Coimbatore, India
Responsibility: Creating CMS websites and Intranet sites. Web Layout Design, Bootstrap Sites, Flash Banners, Responsive Mobile Website, Contact Australian Client Solve issues, HTML5, CSS3 Conversion, Query, Js, Web & Mobile Browser Support, Web Standard Support, Browser Support (IE7-Ie11), Print Media Designs, Logo Designs.
Sr. Web, Graphic Designer, UI Designer
Sankara Eye Hospital
Coimbatore, India
Responsibility: Responsive Mobile Website, HTML5, CSS3 Conversion, Web site Content Update and correction Every Day for all branches in India, web & Mobile Browser Error Handling, Web Standard Support, Print Media Designs, Logo Designs, Flash Banners, Flyers, brochure, T-shirt Designs, Web Layout Design, Catalogs, Posters, Flex Banners, Festival Greeting, Corporate Identity, News page Creative Adds.
Sr. Web, Graphic Designer, UI Designer
V.A.C. Media Pvt Ltd.
Coimbatore, India
Responsibility: UK based website, Web Layout Design, Responsive Mobile Website, HTML5, CSS3 Conversion, Flash Banners, Logo Designs, JQuery, Web & Mobile Browser Error Handling, Web Standard Support, Newsletter Designs, Web Application Design and Conversion, Print Media Designs, Logo Designs, Flash Banners, Flyers, brochure, T-shirt Designs, Web Layout Design