SENSA Landing Page - This landing page was geared towards men, which was visually achieved by giving it a sports theme and incorporating dark, masculine colors. The copy approach: simple and direct. I came up with the general layout and visual elements for the page, and worked closely with the designer to ensure optimization of copy and image placement. The elements on this page proved to be effective as it became the winning landing page with SENSA's male customers.
SENSA Landing Page - This landing page was created for SENSA's new spokesperson, Patti Stanger (star of Bravo's "The Millionaire Matchamaker"). I wrote copy that mirrored Patti's tone and personality, and came up with the layout that incorporated winning elements from previous controls.
SENSA Landing Page - This was a New-Year's-themed landing page, which encouraged potential customers to put an end to failed resolutions by using SENSA. I came up with the concept and layout as well as certain visual and interactive elements.
SENSA Landing Page - This was an emotionally-driven landing page directed at men and women who wanted to lose weight and enhance their quality of life. I came up with the concept, layout and ideas for the stock photos.
SENSA Advertorial - This was a PR-driven advertorial that listed the popular media sources that featured SENSA. It soon became the SENSA control for advertorials.
SENSA Retention Email - Retention emails were sent out on a weekly basis to offer encouragement and support to SENSA users, and to promote the SENSA community forums.
SENSA Daily Candy email - This was a Daily Candy email to promote SENSA's 30-day free trial. The trick was to write in the tone of Daily Candy while still adhering to the best practices in direct marketing.
SENSA Weight-Loss System
Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Antonette Alzate
Senior marketing copywriter, editor, content creator and fundraising writer Los Angeles, CA