Winter 2019 Color Collection radio script
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DermStore PMD Personal Microderm Video Script - This video is part of a regular series promoting various brands and products, which is posted on's Skin Resource Center. Click on the PDF File link to view the full script.
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DermStore jane iredale 2011 Fall Collection Video Script - This video is part of a regular series promoting various brands and products, which is posted on's Skin Resource Center. Click on the PDF File link to view the full script.
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SENSA - This was a video script written in the voice of SENSA spokeswoman and Millionaire Matchmaker star, Patti Stanger. The video was to be used on SENSA landing pages featuring Patti Stanger.
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SENSA Weight-Loss System Radio Script - This radio script was written to encourage listeners to try SENSA's 2-month starter kit.
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RAW Natural Minerals Video Script - This was a script written for a how-to video that showed users how to get a flawless complexion with RAW Natural Minerals.
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Video & Radio Scripts
Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Antonette Alzate
Senior marketing copywriter, editor, content creator and fundraising writer Los Angeles, CA