RAW Natural Minerals Landing Page - This was a landing page that addressed the competitive advantages of RAWMinerals. Aside from the concept, I also came up with layout and the interactive elements (i.e., the rollover map and the clickable cards), which made this landing page an unbeatable control for about 6 months.
RAW Natural Minerals Advertorial - This was an advertorial that was posted on HowLifeWorks.com. It was an iteration of a control that had become the new control.
RAW Natural Minerals Review Page - This was a review page that rated and gave positive feedback on RAW Natural Minerals as well as its competitors. The ultimate goal, however, was to get potential customers to try RAW Natural Minerals instead.
RAW Natural Minerals
Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Antonette Alzate
Senior marketing copywriter, editor, content creator and fundraising writer Los Angeles, CA