User / Customer Experience, Services and Visual designer
Madrid, Spain
Dec 2014 - Present (10 years)
Department: Telefonica Global
User/Customer experience and services design
Project CSB (Cloud Services Broker)
– Creation and maintenance of the customer journey map of the new cloud services that Telefónica is developing for their customers (pymes). According to Product requirements, UX defines the phases of discovery, decision, purchase, activation, usage, billing, support, up-down-cross-selling, cancelation and feedback.
– Definition of UX requirements subject to the roadmap of services
– E2E testing in order to create a marketplace of services where the customers can discover cloud products. This process is defined by countries: BRasil, UK, México, Chile, Argentina, …
– Attendance of weekly and daily follow up meetings.
– Benchmarking
– Online and face-to-face talks and presentations.
– Interaction with teamworks of Product, QA, developers, architecture, delivery, research and Telefónica’s partners to line up the opened tracks of the project.
– User stories, visual designs, storyboards, high-level mockups
– Customización de guías de estilo de Telefónica, Movistar y Vivo sobre productos de marca blanca.
– Innovation: training and recruitment of user tests to get insights and improving the experience of the cloud products
Frontent & UX Visual Designer
Madrid, Spain
Jun 2014 - Dec 2014 (6 months)
UX consultant
Project Cat2
– Wireframes and graphic contents: icons, charts, workflows, UI elements…
– Definition of interaction process, user interfaces and storyboards
– Use of flat design to define the visual layer of the project
– Restyling of navbar to improve the look&feel and the user experience
– Creation of a landing page in responsive web design layout
– Introduction of Bootstrap 2.0, Bootstrap 3.0 and sass
Graphic and Web Designer
Pozuelo, Spain
Sep 2013 - May 2014 (8 months)
Web and visual designer
Department: branding design
Project: web maintenance
– Design of digital content for the homepage's website and other sections
– Creation of visual pieces to adapt in devices and different banner formats, according to the branding styleguide of Orange
– HTML layouts and CSS responsive web design
– Support during the deployment of the new homepage since 2012 October
– Layout and adaptation of microsite https://canguro.orange.es/especial/lineas-adicionales
– Support during the deployment of 4G in Spain
– 7th Orange Anniversary
– 100% design of Black Friday campain in 2013
– Design and illustrations of a visual map to show the 4G coverage by regions
Senior Designer in digital publications and apps
Madrid, Spain
May 2012 - May 2013 (1 year)
Clients: 3010TECH (in-house), UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia), CSEV (Centro Superior de enseñanza Virtual), Rooter, Diboos, Zinkia, Collahuasi.
Junior designer (graphic, visual, interaction, ux, web).
Department: graphic design
*App Juegos Jurídicos 1 (client:UNED)
*App Juegos Jurídicos 2 (client:UNED)
*App Juegos Jurídicos 3 (client:UNED)
*App Felicidad y Práctica Empresarial (client:CSEV)
*App Matrices (client:CSEV)
*App Matrixes (client:CSEV)
*App Laboratorio de Química Analítica (client:UNED)
*App Prácticas de Reactividad Química I (client:UNED)
*Revista interactiva CSEV #1 (client:CSEV)
*Libro electrónico Tratamientos psicodinámicos (created with iBooks Author)
*Epub "Estudio Perfiles Profesionales más demandados en el ámbito de los contenidos digitales en España 2012-2017" (client:ROOTER)
*Epub "Libro Blanco de la Animación 2012" (client:DIBOOS)
– Illustration, graphic creation to compose an interactive and visual environment pieces.
– Storyboards, scriptwriting for the development of an e-book
– Books adapted in a interactive enviroment with attractive audiovisual contents focused for students and teachers.
– Using sound effects, musical notes, audio, voice recordings and sounds of funds that provide better user experiences.
– Translations and presentations.
– Information architecture. Creating navigation flows to move at a high level the general expectation of the application.
– Graphic design and composition of animated slides to embed in the application sequences.
– Fluency with Adobe Digital Publishing Suite tools.
– HTML5 and CSS3.
– Tool native Apple iBooks Author to create rich books.
– EPubs 2.0.
– Video editing and creating web microsites.
– Video Editing pills for platforms and MOOCs (massive online open courses) (client COLLAHUASI)
Intern Designer in digital projects
Madrid, Spain
Oct 2011 - Apr 2012 (6 months)
Clients: 3010 TECH (in-house), EOI (Escuela de Organización Industrial)
Interaction designer
Departmento: graphic design
*Multitouch Tale "The Selfish Giant"
*Multitouch Tale "Caperucita Roja"
*Rehabilitación Protésica
*Manual Árbol Estratégico EOI
– Learning to make digital publications with Adobe Digital Publishing Suite.
– Interaction design since ebooks until electronic interactive apps for tablets.