I have just finished a four year BSc Hons degree in Product Design at London South Bank University.
I excel at creative thinking, problem solving and design analysis. My particular strengths are Computer Aided Design/ Computer Aided Manufacturing, as well as providing Photo-realistic Renderings. Possessing equal strengths in surface modelling and solid modelling, as well as presentation skills on Photoshop and Illustrator, digital tasks come naturally.
Manufacturing skills are also something I'm proud of, and something that's improved in leaps and bounds since I started (and finished) my course.
Chosen for the long-list for a project based around smoking spaces in the city, run by Japan Tobacco International (JTI) the final award show was to be held in Milan.
Chosen as part of a pair in the final ten-group shortlist for the Mayors Entrepreneurial Low Carbon Prize. Finished sixth.
Presented at New Designers 2016 in London, one of a dozen in my class.