Associate Art Director
Match Weld
Oct 2012 - Present (12 years 2 months)
Freelance Designer
Jun 2003 - Present (21 years 6 months)
* Working with local music acts to develop identities and merchandise
Graphic Designer
SUNY Oswego
Feb 2012 - Oct 2012 (8 months)
In charge of the output of all print, web, and digital advertisements at the LIfestyles Center.
Pre-Press Designer, Printer
Valti Graphics
Apr 2011 - Feb 2012 (10 months)
* Developing artwork from files on hand, and customer walk-ins
* Handling of all printing preparations and setup
* Printing of shirts by hand on a 6-color Harco press
May 2008 - Aug 2008 (3 months)
* Produced print and web advertisements
* Developed new identity
In-house Designer
Campus Life, State University
Sep 2001 - Mar 2004 (2 years 6 months)
* Designed posters for events sponsored by campus life
* Mail sorting, office