FSI Coupon Ad Client: Ronzoni Agency: Marketing Drive Situation: Ronzoni needed headlines and body copy for this coupon insert that celebrated convenient summer pasta salads and hyped a National Parks Sweepstakes.
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Project: Sponsorship Sell Sheet Company: Connecticut Open presented by United Technologies Agency: The Silverman Group Situation: The CT Open had just completed a second consecutive year of positive press and good news in 2015. The sponsorship sales department needed a quick story to share with sponsors and prospects while the longer form sales presentation was in development. Solution: I worked with tournament marketing and agency to create this two-sided fact sheet that told the 2015 story, relayed results and demographics and provided the benefits of using sponsorship to promote brands and sell product. Result: Greater efficiency and speed to market for sales people; positive sponsor feedback.
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Client: Agency for Women's Sports Foundation (WSF) Project: GoGirls! Scholastic Athletic Program Situation: The WSF, founded by Billie Jean King, created a program to promote athletics among female middle school students. Solution: I was hired to create headlines and the body copy for this brochure targeted to coaches.
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Project: Concept Development & Copy for Print and Radio Campaign (all pieces and script shown here) Client: Aetna Situation: To create awareness of and raise funds for Connecticut's domestic violence shelters, Aetna CEO Ron Compton created and donated a body of photographic work whose subject matter was "clotheslines from around the world." I juxtaposed his exhibit with the national Clothesline Project, an installation of T-shirt art created by survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Both were installed together in Hartford, CT City Hall and promoted as Clotheslines: An Uncommon View. A VIP reception for 500 was held and all proceeds were donated to EVE's Fund (End Violence Everywhere), a CT fundraising organization for domestic and sexual violence programs. Results: Significant earned media supplemented a minor media budget and resulted in a packed house and considerable donation to EVE's Fund.
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FSI Coupon Ad (Headlines & Copy) Client: American Beauty (New World Pasta) Agency: Marketing Drive Worldwide (Match)
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Project: Sell Sheet - 2014 CT Open Executive Summary Company: Connecticut Open presented by United Technologies (WTA tennis) Situation: This WTA (women's) pro tennis tournament, scheduled at the end of August when calendar year sponsorship planning is underway, needed to maintain the excitement of the event and get to market quickly while the longer form sponsorship presentation was in progress. The tournament had also been through some changes and had a positive future ahead. Solution: This Executive Summary was created as a quick one-page read that captured and updated key results as the data came in. Positive news was simply conveyed and the tournament began paving the way for its new 501c3 status with a section on good deeds. Result: CT Open sales people engaged customers faster in the planning cycle.
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Project: Headlines for new store displays Client: Marketing Agency for Snapple Situation: My assignment was to deliver a variety of headline options for two themes: Construction and Hockey.
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Newpaper Print Ad Client: Dr. Richard Cooper, N.D., Norwalk, CT Agency: Kendrew Group, Ltd. Situation: Dr. Cooper, a naturopath, wanted to attract new patients. Solution: I wrote this newspaper ad to create a need in new patients who were getting nowhere in resolving chronic conditions through traditional medicine.
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Project: Brochure Client: Suburban Animal, a pet care business in Westport, CT
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Project: Monthly Newsletter (B2B) Client: WHCN FM, Hartford, CT (heritage rock radio) Situation: WHCN sales people needed a new business development hook.The monthly newsletter was developed to create a new touch point and to engage sponsors and prospects with the rock culture of the station. Response: This newsletter was very well received and read.
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Project: Headlines & Copy for Coupon Ad Client: New World Pasta Agency: Marketing Drive Worldwide (Match)
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Project: Brochure Copy Client: Running Deer Healing Center for Equine Health
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Project: Brochure Copy for Mother Health fitness program Client: Physical Intelligence, Inc., Weston, CT (private fitness coaching)
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Freelance, Full-time
Tammy L. Ward
Creative Streak Studio Milford, CT