Design Representative
Nov 2016 - Jan 2017 (2 months)
+ Individually, we were given a brief to design a product for people who have OCD and
compulsive checking.
+ Managing and developing relationships with the client and lecturers to get the best
out of the project.
+Great communication skills lead to a successful product presented to the client.
+Whilst working on other projects, I was able to prioritise quicker and improve on my
time management to meet tight deadlines set for the other projects
Design Representative
Herman Miller
Feb 2016 - May 2016 (3 months)
+As a group, I was given a brief by a client to design a simplistic piece of furniture for
rural schools in India.
+As project team leader, I delegated tasks to the people most appropriate for the job. As
well as liaising and developing relationships with the client, workshop staff and lecturers
to fulfil their needs.
+ Collaborating well with the team to lead the presentations of our ideas to Herman
Miller at their Headquarters, which helped me to communicate prototypes and models