U5 Notebook white version - This is Asus' first environmentally friendly notebook. The concept was to keep the design very clean and minimalistic.
U5 Notebook white version - Wallpaper designed for the white version of the U5.
U5 Notebook black version
U5 Notebook black verision
Asus notebook family analysis - Since the U5 notebook is an extension of the Asus notebook lineup, I created a chart to help identify common design qualities.
U5 concept sketches - Concept sketches for a new trackpad. An idea was to create a trackpad based only upon light and tactileness.
U5 concept sketches - Sketches for trackpad and the power button.
U5 technical drawings - Side views based upon the proE component drawsing provided by the engineers.
U5 Asus Notebook
Sandie Cheng
Color Material Finish and Special Edition Lead Houston, TX