Agency rebranding
My current employer, Thelen, approached me to implement a new branding solution to its 40-year history. Thelen was already rich with history and experience and was known around town as being approachable and creative. The new identity retains Thelen’s legacy yet sets it apart with a classic appeal, customized logotype and an icon so versatile it can become anything yet says one thing: Thelen is approachable. That message of approachability plays out through the collateral and stationery. A new website further illustrates Thelen’s approach by taking a seemingly different approach, one void of cliché design elements like sliders but full of whimsical touches. Thelen’s new look evolved through a collaborative approach to became an incredibly versatile and timeless identity that can shift and shape depending on its application.
Role: Design, copywriting, copyediting, creative direction, strategy
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