FISKARS Garden Tools - These are two more ph tester concept sketches.
FISKARS Garden Tools - A few more concepts for the Fiskars brand, an apron, a sports car, and another ph tester.
FISKARS Garden Tools - This was my first ID project at Wayne State University in 2005. It involved developing and branding garden tools for advanced age and limited mobility consumers. This page shows some ideas for a ph testing tool.
Final design rendering - My final design included a hand held, rechargeable grass clipper, with optional hedge clipper attachment, wall charger, extension handle with controls, and a multi-spray pattern hose attachment.
Exploded view rendering - This exploded view shows the product breakdown for manufacturing purposes, with injection molded case, electric motor, battery pack, wiring, and attachments.
Final finished model 1 - Photos of finished model on display at 2005 student art exhibit at Wayne State University
Final model 2 - Finished model photos depicting typical use of product.
FISKARS Garden Tools
Roy Hersey
MA industrial design - seeking product and transportation projects Chesapeake, VA