Finished model 1/4" = 1' scale - Scale model shows standing figure in environment. Scale treestand and shelter detail, ice shanty, arrow and broadhead display detail, are featured.
Develoment sketches - These sketches show design direction for the tension/stretched textile theme, applied to the overhead display and broadhead/accessory displays.
Development sketches - The Carbon Express backdrop layout, overhead display detail, accessories display detail, and semi-private meeting area.
Plan view final layout sketch - Plan view sketch shows placement of shelters and treestands, arrow shaft, broadhead, and accessory displays.
Display detail sketches - Top sketch shows trade show visitor inspecting a Carbon Express arrow shaft near the display. Lower sketch shows placement of three Gorilla Treestands, treestand umbrella, video monitors, shelters, and backdrop illumination.
Finished model rafter view - Final 3D model brings the elements of the Eastman Outfitters trade show experience together.
Finished model plan view with AA powered LED switchgear - Final model plan view photo shows LED illumination feature, with separate functional switchgear model. Additional inset photos show LED illumination in low light.
Eastman Outfitters Exhibit Space
Roy Hersey
MA industrial design - seeking product and transportation projects Chesapeake, VA