Graphic designer
Mar 2022 - Present (2 years 9 months)
Graphic designer Responsibilities: Image upload and edit in the Facebook page of official Articles, letter editing, Photography, Banner, Brochure etc. Strength * Analytical approach. * Aggressive target oriented personality. * Hard working, Enthusiastic and Honest. * Can work beyond normal working hours. * Able to handle sensitive information in a professional way. * Very Good Communication Skills. Key Skills Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Indesign Corel Draw, Photography, Ms Office, Windows xp, 07, Mac Expertise * Creative designing work. * Logo designing and print media work. * Good presentation work under deadline. * All knowledge about digital printing with proper Alignments * Expert in Adobe applications like Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Flash * Approaching projects with flexibility and resourcefulness. * Experience in digital photo resolution and vector file scaling. * Coming up with unique ideas. * Excellent spelling, grammar, and proofreading skills. * Developing PowerPoint presentations.
Graphic Designer
Responsibilities: Artwork Advertising Pagination Magazine Conversion work Recreation of Advert Corrections of Advert
Graphic Designer
Health genie Pvt. Ltd.
From Graphic Designer Responsibilities: Packaging Creative Artwork Image Enhancement Photograpy Nitro performing arts From