Rocío is an Occupational Therapist and Industrial Designer from Colombia dedicated to increasing her clients' participation using an evidence-based and client-centered approach. She is a strong advocate for diversity and a supportive team player. Her interests include pediatrics, neurology, product development, and assistive technology.
Rocío worked as a Senior Designer and Fabricator at the Adaptive Design Association (ADA). She has experience designing, developing, and co-creating custom equipment with and for people with disabilities out of readily available materials such as corrugated cardboard. During her time at ADA, she had the opportunity to share her passion and skills by teaching others how to create adaptations that support people’s aptitude and potential. She has provided online and in-person workshops in adaptive design for organizations and communities in the NYC metro area, Syracuse -NY-, Guatemala, Scotland, Antigua and Barbuda, and Spain. She sees collaboration as a celebration of hope and is proud to be part of a community that practices it.
Member of Pi Theta Epsilon (PTE) Honor Society of Occupational Therapy