Freelance Fabricator
Bend, OR
Apr 2014 - Present (10 years 7 months)
Fulfill orders for custom and replica props and costumes for conventions, display, or for other needs. Fabrication of all props consists of a multitude of materials, from EVA and L200 foams to Apoxie Sculpt and fabric. All props are hand painted and weathered.
Event Coordinator / Shop Assistant
Savannah, GA
Jan 2016 - May 2016 (4 months)
Aids in social media marketing and streamlines events processes. Assists with contacting persons or companies for events and generates assets for that purpose, such as application forms and email copy. Also learned basic woodworking skills and workshop etiquette and protocol; assisted members with questions about machinery and the space, as well as membership.
Graphic Designer
Savannah, GA
Jan 2016 - May 2016 (4 months)
Generates assets for print, digital, and social media use. Assets must cater to the aesthetic and energy of the Savannah Yoga Center and convey information clearly and effectively. Designs must be created in a timely manner for events, classes, workshops, and gatherings.
Savannah, GA
May 2013 - Apr 2016 (2 years 11 months)
Assists other director with running SwarmCon, the local Geek convention revived and re-envisioned by a group of four students, including myself. Convention is non-profit and 100% student run and organized, paid for out of our own pockets and via fundraising events, as well as donations. The first year of this convention under our organization saw over 200 attendees, with an increase of over 300 persons the following year, with over 500 badges sold. Work includes contacting venues and arranging booking as well as payment, planning the events for the entire convention and delegating tasks to volunteers and staff members. Must also assist with and approve the design of posters and other marketing materials, both digital and printed. Assists with the financial management of the convention, the travel arrangements for special guests, communication with special guests and event organizers, speaking on behalf of the convention, and conflict resolution within the development team and with attendees or guests.
Designer / fabricator
Savannah, GA
Jan 2016 - Mar 2016 (2 months)
SCAD Collaborated with HP and one of the world's largest entertainment companies to research and develop new concepts that harness HP technology and some of the most recognizable brands into co-storytelling products, services, and experiences through one of SCAD's (Savannah College of Art and Design) Collaborative Learning Experiences.
Events Team
Savannah, GA
Jul 2015 - Dec 2015 (5 months)
Event organization and planning. Assistant to the Events Director. Must work with a team of building managers and marketing specialists as well as the company CEO to create events for our members to enjoy. Events are often based around relevant events such as movie releases, product releases (i.e. new games), or holidays of geeky variety. Also plans recurring events to provide continuous content to our members, and must update the site calendar with any changes. Heavily involved in larger event planning, such as the company's convention, GuildCon. GuildCon requires planning well in advance, multiple events planned across multiple days, across multiple parts of the business' campus.
Administrative Assistant - Sequential Art Department
Savannah, GA
Aug 2012 - May 2015 (2 years 9 months)
Assistant to professors and the Chair of the Sequential Art Department. Maintained SEQA Lab, the department's website, edited Podcasts, assisted with the set up and execution of the Editor's Day event (edited application forms and helped organize applications once submitted, input data into Excel sheet), assisted with the development of the class schedule for future quarters, scanned teaching materials and artwork, created posters for events, and set up for SCAD Days during which new students would visit and tour the department.
Independent Contractor
Portland, OR
2012 - 2012
Assisted with the editing clients' copy in workbooks and other project materials to ensure brand consistency and message. Copy was edited in such a way that the brands identity was made more clear to the company's clients and was consistent with their brand's message and outlook. Also made suggestions to further connect the company's content to their brand, thus helping them create a more powerful identity.