Some of the programs I created in C using Visual Studio Code
Programmed filters for pictures. From left to right: "Original -> Blur -> Reverse -> Edge Detection(Sobel operator) -> Grayscale"
Using a Trie data structure ( Big O notation: O(n) ), large input text ( 80.5K words) is checked against an English dictionary of 143K words for errors
Credit card checker using the Luhn’s algorithm
Simulates inheritance of blood types for each member of a family. Can generate any amount of generations. Demo generations amount = 5
Grades a text's 'reading level' using the Coleman-Liau index
Election system that chooses a winner based on the weighted Tideman algorythm
Simple caesar cipher to encode/decode super important and secret messages. User provided 26 keys string scrambles their dark and secretive matters.
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C programs
Some of the programs I created in C using Visual Studio Code