Proposed Logo
Illustrated Scottish Fauna
Logo Development
Adapted Logo
Laser Projection
Military Tattoo

Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo
Short Listed Project for the Artist in Residence Scheme 2013 in collaboration with
Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh.
The 2013 Military Tattoo highlights Scotland's natural beauty to celebrate the Year of Natural Scotland.

Brief: Present concepts around the theme of Natural Scotland that can be implemented to this year's show and/or have commercial potential.
Concept: I wanted to alter the existing Tattoo logo so each year's theme could be integrated into the design. The Tattoo's brand is well established; the challenge was to make it current and topical so each year's visual branding would be memorable for the audience. My designs integrated Scotland's unique wildlife into the logo to incorporate the theme and used a varied color palette. The overall visual language was bright and cheery to make it appeal to a wide demographic and increase its commercial merchandising potential.

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Pushpi Bagchi
Visual Communication Design + Research Colombo, Sri Lanka