This project we had to design a baby monitor in the style of two designers through blue foam. This one being in the style of Alessi. Alessi is known for his animistic of human resemblance in his products which was tried to be recreated. The Product is separated into two different parts, a webcam "watchdog" which is left in the room, the camera pointed at the child and a receiver which shows the child onscreen. The receiver is then charged on the watchdog.
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The watchdog contains a movable webcam camera which can be pointed in any position at the sleeping child.
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Child starts to cry therefore webcam sends picture and sound via aerial > receiver picks up image and sound from the speaker received via aerial and alerts the parent > Parent can then either calm the child down from a microphone in the receiver > which is played from a speaker in the watchdog or take more action.
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This was a separate design. Constists of a smily face and some legs. The head is charged via the legs and the mouth is a speaker. The head has a interesting shaped design which feels "right" to hold.
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The last Alessi inspired product, staying with the two split products. The "hugging man" is left within the child's room whilst the parent takes the smiling handheld. The man's heart and the smile is speakers, the eyes on the handheld represent LED's to say the device is charging or needs charging, the nose on the handheld allows to be twisted for different functions such as: on/off, talk to child and lock. The two parts fit together snug and the handheld is charged. I believed the heart is Alessi oriented and is cute.
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Pictured is the Bang and Olufson inspired baby monitor. This is the first prototype. Bang and Olufson is known for it's simplistic designs and monotone colours which I tried to recreate. This design works similarly to the Alessi product expect for the lack of webcam.
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This was an improved blue foam model, I slimmed down the product and made the base/recharge unit less complicated. This product looks fairly alike to Bang and Olufson's products which I was very pleased about.
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I chose this product to be my final chosen model, here is a representation related work.
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Alessi and Bang & Olfson stylised products
Phil Kapelko
Graduate Product Designer Bristol, United Kingdom