Product Design Manager
Ann Arbor, MI
Mar 2021 - Present (3 years 9 months)
Senior Designer
Mahindra Automotive North America
May 2019 - Nov 2020 (1 year 6 months)
Lead Designer
Sep 2013 - May 2019 (5 years 8 months)
Visual Commincations Instructor (Adjunct Faculty)
Sep 2013 - May 2015 (1 year 8 months)
Independent Design Contractor
Philip Nathan Design
May 2013 - Sep 2013 (4 months)
Available design services specializing in a number of disciplines including: research, product conceptualization and refinement, Solidworks digital 3D modeling, hard model/prototype creation, illustration and graphic design.
Nov 2011 - May 2013 (1 year 6 months)
Research, Conceptual Ideation, Brainstorming, Sketching, Traditional Hand Rendering, 3D CAD generation, Photo-Realistic Data Rendering, Tangible Mock-Up/Model Generation, Client Relations.
Adjunct Faculty - Visual Communication
College for Creative Studies
Jan 2012 - May 2012 (4 months)
College level instructor focused on traditional hand sketching, marker rendering, and presentation techniques.
Group 4
Jan 2005 - Oct 2011 (6 years 9 months)
Design needs analysis, concept development and refinement, product and trend research (both on and off-site), group internal and client brainstorming, hand sketches, presentation Photoshop renderings, packaging design, digital 3D product and packaging refinement (Solidworks and Rhino), direct involvement with offsite contract engineers, Alias operators and model builders, and client presentations.
A2, Inc.
May 2003 - Oct 2004 (1 year 5 months)
Concept development, product and trend research, hand sketches, Photoshop presentation rendering, computer modeling and rendering(Solidworks), foam mock-up construction, functional test prototype model building, and shop supervisor.
Design Intern
New Balance
May 2000 - Aug 2000 (3 months)
Conceptual product sketches, renderings and innovative product development. Color ups, tape ups, presentation and T-Shirt graphics.