San Simón House - Client Marcela Villamil and Jairo Viana
- Design & production of customized furniture for lounge, entertaining and dining areas
- 'San Simón' is a closed residential village located in Guaymaral near Bogotá, (Colombia) where living style is a balance among nature and privacy
- Based on the balanced environment, the project had to be developed in order to offer an open and fluent circulation for the entire house
- The living and dining area specifically, needed to integrate and invite the family and friends to gather in different social activities that the owner wanted to develop in their HOME
- The strong structure of the furniture exploits every single inch offering people to sit even if they would like to do it in the back or arms of the sofa, armchairs o puf
- The entertaining room had a double service where the fireplace was in one wall with all the book collection and the opposite one had the TV and the PlayStation. As a result, the furniture was designed to unify the room, but also, separate the functions on it