It's been my goal ever since I graduated High School at The High School of Art and Design in 1987, to be a Graphic Designer. In college I have worked hard at that goal and have adjusted to using the computer to create art, now in 2015. As opposed to drawing with graphite pencil or any other medium. Thanks to digital technology such as the digital camera, and CD/DVD technology, I can now add images of my Graffiti Art into my personal webpage here. One of my goals is to make the complete transition spray painted lettering to Graphic Design via the computer. Entry level employment in Graphic Design is the major goal, as related to the overall view of my art career. In my opinion, my artwork speaks for itself. My college education has given me my money's worth and has prepared me for the long and hopefully bright future ahead of me.
A.O.S. Graphic Design, Honor Society, Art Honor Society, Academic All -American.