2:1 Creative Product Design
University of the West of England
2006 - 2010
Product Design is more than designing "cool things", although this is often why we are attracted to it as a career choice initially. Product Design addresses twenty first century challenges through an understanding of our society and its emerging needs, creating the appropriate consumer products and services that support them. Through a detailed understanding of potential end users and exploring their lifestyles and values, we can design responsibly, thus minimising potential negative impact upon society and the environment.
My degree including design subject areas ranging from; service, spatial, packaging and object design, design communication including sketching, graphic design and model making, advanced form and aesthetics, product language and semantics as well as CAD, design for manufacturing, team work, co-design, ergonomics and human centred design and professional development. Working with the latest CAD resources, workshops and rapid prototyping equipment you would expect from a cutting-edge course.
A-Level (Resulting in 2 Bs & 1 C) Creative Product Design, P.E & Media Studies
Evesham High School Sixth
2004 - 2006
C 'As' Levels Mathematics
Evesham High School
2003 - 2004
GCSEs 1xA*, 4xA, 4xB, 2xC
St. Andrew's C. of E. First School
1995 - 1998