Source Engine Map: GMS_RiverEdit (No Houses)

GMS_RiverEditH was a map designed for "Garry's Mod Stranded." This map was a medium to small size map that was very enjoyable to play on. With the beautiful skybox and the calming rain constantly falling on you, the player could feel comfortable. It was one of the more popular GMS maps and some servers would run just this one map due to popularity. There was a very unique feature with the map in which lightning would strike every once in a while, and the water could become dangerous for a short period of time. If you hear a bell chime, stay out of the water or you may regret it.

It was later released in a pack with five other GMS maps that I had made. This gamemode is a multiplayer survival type gamemode where you need to forage, craft, learn, and fight to survive. All while you're needing to keep track of your health, stamina, temperature, and more.

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Nicholas Wilkie
Environmental Artist, Graphic Designer, & 3D Modeler Carlsbad, CA