I am a designer because it is how I experience the world and when I am not designing I feel cut off from who I am. My imagination and creativity are central to my understanding, engagement with, and response to the world around me.
I design because I don't know how else to be. As a designer I always seek to bring greater harmony into the relationships between peoples' needs, desires, values and wants with the objects they choose to have in their lives.
Online media interest in my final year project:
- http://exame.abril.com.br/tecnologia/noticias/designer-criacinto-que-guia-cegos-por-gps/
- http://blogdoakirasan.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/designer-cria cinto-que-guia-cegos-por.html
- http://designfeeder.net/2012/04/gps-vibration-belt-gives freedom-of-movement-to-the-visually-impaired/
- http://www.designbuzz.com/gps-vibration-belt-freedom-movement-visually-impaired/
Alphason TV stand - 1st Place
BBC Journalism award design - 2nd Place